5 Halloween costumes you can literally make with a black bag
Halloween is only a few weeks away and as per usual we’re already fretting about our costumes.
You could go as one of the Marvel superheroes or perhaps your favourite singer like Taylor Swift or Britney Spears- does anyone have a snake we can get a lend of?
Some of us will spend weeks, if not months, getting our costumes ready. We search Etsy for the perfect Halloween accessories, we scour through charity shops looking for costumes, we look to Instagram for Halloween makeup inspiration.
Then there’s the group of people who always seem to forget about Halloween until the day before when the shop shelves are bare and there isn’t a single witches hat or cowboy costume in sight.
Luckily, we’ve conjured up a list of 5 Halloween costumes you can literally make with a black bin bag.
1: The classic witch
Back in the day, every second kid on my road donned a black bin bag for Halloween. It was the go-to costume for parents who completely forgot about dress up day at school. We may not be in primary school anymore but this classic costume will never let you down.
All you need to do is cut out holes for your arms and head and maybe add a belt to give yourself some shape. Grab a witches hat and you’re sorted.
2: A bat
Simply cut bat wing shapes out of a black bag. Wear your favourite little black dress and secure the wings to the underside of your arm and the side of your body. It’ll look like you’re flying when you move your arms up and down. You can even make bat ears by cutting two triangles out of the bin bag and securing them onto a black Alice band.
3: Maleficent
Maleficent is one of our favourite Disney villains. Angelina Jolie brought the iconic Disney character to life in the live-action movie and you can mimic her iconic costume by simply using a few bin bags. To make the famous Maleficent horns all you’ll need is some newspaper, a headband and some sellotape. Twist the newspaper into cone-like shapes and place them onto the headband. Cover them both in bin bags and hey presto- you’re a Disney villain.
4: Cheerleader
Ready? Okay! We’ve all daydreamed about becoming a cheerleader. We blame the millions of times we watched Bring It On for this. Put a spooky twist on the American- sweetheart costume by making black pom-poms out of bin bags. See the below tutorial on how to make the perfect pom poms and channel that team spirit.
5: Skeleton
It’s a stereotypical costume, but it works so well with the perfect face paint. All you need is a black bag and masking tape. Simply cut a hole at the top of the black bag for the head and one on either side for the arms. Lay the bag down flat and shape out the bones of the skeleton using the masking tape. Focus on creating an incredible makeup look like the one below and you’ll be bound to win the costume of the year.