Is The Ordinary closing? The bizarre events behind the brand’s "end"

Something bizarre has happened in the beauty industry, leaving us connoisseurs of The Ordinary with major anxiety.

Brandon Truaxe, founder of Deciem, posted a video to Instagram which clearly shows the business owner in distress.

With tear-filled eyes, he shakily announces that his company “will shut down until further notice, which is about two months”.

“Please take me seriously”, he urged. Brandon gestures to two men he claims are employees of the company in the car with him.

“Almost everyone at Deciem has been involved in a major criminal activity, which includes financial crimes.”


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Brandon appears to be anxious and upset in his footage, where he went on to say that he has “been made fun  of as a porn actor and a f—in drug dealer.”

The video was shared to the brand’s main Instagram account and was accompanied by a nonsensical caption that seems to be accusing well-known Hollywood stars for being involved in whatever is going on.


Without filters. A revolution is coming. Every one of you who has been laughing aT me will with certainty face criminal prosecution. Estée Lauder Companies Inc. has been the biggest stock promotion. Richard Duntas, Bernard Ass (LVMH), Marica “Tracy” (Bliss, Remedè, Soaper Due Per Shoe), Hyatt (Grand Hyatt, Andaz, er al), Marriott (St. Regis, W, Marriot, et al), So many porn “studios”, nearly all @deciem employees, most of “Hollywood”, Gill Sinclair, India Knight, Caroline Hirons, India Knight, RBC, BMO, Boots, KKR, most of the Lauder family, Estée Lauder Companies Inc., Karim Kanji, Antonio Tadrisi, DF Mc, LVMH, Dia Fooley, Michael Davidson, Hanif, Zark Fatah, Inditex (Zara, Massimo Dutti, etc), H&M, $100 monkey, Too Faced (founders too), TSG, Alshaya, Amanresorts, Erwin Zecha, Oliver Zecha, Steven R Riddle, the Coc and Corcky managers, PRIDE organizers, IT Cosmetics, Nicola L ReadingTons, all of Dishoom, All of Delaunay, David Yurman, Tom Ford, Tim Cooke. McKesson, Rexall, Jamin Asaria, David Jackson, York Heritage and others — sentencing doesn’t begin with any point but sentences like this one do. Ben Affleck, Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Michael Less, Stephen Spellberg e.T., AON are also included with certainty. ARGO stood for “Ali Roshan GO”. You idiots. Father, please please be safe if you can for the next few hours. I love you all. -Brandon (RIYADH, please be EXTREMELY CAREFUL in the next few hours). Aurora (TSX) : you are finished. Michael Basler, Gordon Wilde, David Trinder, Eric Jacobs, Allan Gerlings, Dalton Pharma SS, Michael OH CON ELLE, Charm IS T A 007, Robert Jones, Cascade, Prince Al Walid, The White Company, Obagi (brand and doctor), Freedom Health, ESHO-isT, Alexandru Serban and baggage, Apotex: Goodbye also. Peace is coming. It’s clear now. @esteelaudercompanies @richardbranson @realdonaldtrump @gowlingwlg_ca @zuck @musicianjessecook, et. al.

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He then ended the video saying, “For 13 years, it’s all ending now.”

This video comes after many recent unusual behaviours by the CEO. 

Brandon took over the company’s social media accounts in January, and since then has been announcing all his business decisions to the public, including reasons behind legal battles and severed ties with other brands.


My partners, Andrew and Leonard — I’m sharing our exchange from April 5, 2018 here for three reasons: 1) to offer a reminder to your team, to our team and to our audience that we respect each other’s values despite any differences; 2) to offer more context to our audience with respect to the brotherly notes Leonard and I exchanged on this very date — a note I shared earlier on here, and one whose context would be incomplete without this post; 3) to remind all of us that DECIEM’s values are rooted in transparency, “… and responsibility, not just in the world of beauty, but around the world”, and these values will guide our communication unconditionally during the weeks and months ahead of us. — I ask for your kind respect, especially if and when your values may conflict with ours — the same respect that I and we have always offered you and will always offer you. Our partnership offers immense pride and meaning to me, because Estée Lauder Companies Inc. represents a forever-living reminder to our world that the unconditional courage of entrepreneurs like Estée is the very reason that all of us in the world of beauty and around the world enjoy the gift of beautiful products that would otherwise not exist. —— [[ The words within quotation marks are those of Horst M. Rechelbacher (1941 – 2014), founder of your brand, @aveda. Horst changed the world like no other entrepreneur, by introducing the world to aromas that were and will forever be so unfamiliar, yet so very beautiful. My educated speculation is that the monetary recognition for this world-changing brand was approximately 15% of that paid for your brand, @toofaced. I’m confident your team calculated this recognition fairly, but the non-monetary value of remembering a founder is one that I felt that Aveda did not offer Horst by not reminding our world of the beauty of Horst when he passed away in 2014. ]] — I love you, Leonard — because you support entrepreneurship and because you referred to me as the “brother” you “never had”. -Brandon

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He then fired his longtime co-partner Nicola Kilner in February after questioning her loyalty.

An investigation ensued after scathing Glassdoor reviews from previous employees accused Brandon of unfair treatment, including verbal abuse, during their time at the company.

The owner uses Instagram to call out any of haters’ negative comments and broadcast his response back to the them. One of the big fish he fried was Estée Lauder, screenshotting emails of his disagreements with them.

Brandon has always prided Deciem’s policy of transparency, so perhaps this is his attempt to prove that openness.

While the Deciem site itself is down, sub-brands like The Ordinary have not had reports of any issues.

People on social media have said their online orders have been unaffected.

However, according to a leaked email by Cosmopolitan UK, Brandon sent out a massive email to all of his employees, ordering immediate shutdown of  all UK stores (with the exception of the Spitalfields branch) or face termination.

UK stores have refused to answer the phones, so it is unsure if they have adhered to his orders yet.

But for now The Ordinary seems to be alright. Many are stocking up on its products while others are afraid to order anything at all.

Brandon has not commented since his video, but we will keep you updated with what happens next.
