Drying clothes indoors could have a damaging effect on your health

So, drying clothes indoors is pretty much the norm in this country. Our temperamental weather means there's little point in hanging our washing on the line and tumble dryers are far to expensive to run everyday (or at least that's what our mothers taught us).

However, it looks like we might need to find an alternative solution to our laundry-drying needs as new research has suggested that keeping wet clothes indoors could have a damaging effect on your health and your home.

Speaking to KisSpot, Dr Christine Cowie,  a senior researcher in Environmental Health with the University of New South Wales, said: "From a health perspective… many biological agents are found indoors and they usually thrive on dampness and inadequate ventilation."

"They have found that dampness itself has been a good indicator of risk of asthma and respiratory symptoms. There are other studies that show inhalation of fungal spores… are linked to allergic sensitisation and asthma."

So basically, damp air can contribute to the symptoms of allergies and asthma.

But, it's not all bad news, Dr Nick Osborne, Senior Lecturer at the University of NSW, explained the ways we can work to prevent any of theses issues arising.

“If you’re cooking remember to turn the extractor fan on", he told KidSpot. "Dry the dog off before you come inside and think about where you store your wet coats – put them on the veranda ’til they dry off.

"If it’s sunny get your washing out and make sure if you use a dryer that it’s vented to the outside. It all adds up".
