Someone brought their horse into Dublin city today… via Luas
Passengers on the Luas today were joined by a very unusual four legged friend at the Belgard stop.
Of all the animals to ever manage to board a tram we didn't expect a horse to show up today. While passengers on board were quick to spot the equine, (and take photos, natch) the driver was said to not have noticed until two stops after they had strolled on board.
While we have all been guilty of wanting to sneak our pets into places they shouldn't be, this is on another level entirely.
Eventually the driver spotted the horse and their owner through the camera and the pair were forced to get off.
According to one witness, who spoke to the Journal.ie about the bizarre occurrence, the horse was pretty relaxed about the whole thing:
"They literally had to take two fellas to push it back off,” commented Una McCrystal.
Luas operators are said to be investigating the incident.