Our 5 all-time favourite Hugh Grant films
If you have a dose of the Monday blues, there is no better cure than Hugh Grant.
That accent, with that face, and that humour… he's every womans dream. Here are our favourite Hugh Grant films to indulge in.
These are also some seriously lucky ladies
1. Notting Hill
Not only is it one of our favourite Hugh Grant films, it is one of our favourite films in general. Who doesn't love a bit of Julia Roberts?
2. Bridget Jones's Diary
We're still laughing about his epic battles with Colin Firth.
3. Four Weddings and a Funeral
It's just one of those classics. If you haven't seen it, tonight is the night.
4. About a Boy
We just constantly crave the cringe.
5. Two Weeks Notice
This film doesn't get enough credit. Sandra Bullock and Hugh Grant work perfectly together.