How to choose his Christmas present based on his starsign!
Are you still struggling to come up with a present to give your other half on Christmas Day?
If Valentine’s Day, your anniversary and his birthday have stolen all your best ideas so far this year and you’re just fresh out, then fear not; we may just have the perfect set of guideline for you to follow!
Why not let his star sign be the determining factor in what you choose to leave under his tree this year!
Aries: March 21st- April 20th
Considered active, outgoing and adventurous, this fire sign is unlikely to thank you for a practical or traditional gift. Play to their adventurous spirit and gift them with an experience instead of an object!
Opt for tickets to a music or sporting event or alternatively book a weekend away and gift him with fantastic memories.
Aquarius: January 21st- February 19th
Considered creative, independent and inventive, this air sign certainly won’t thank you for a generic gift set or bumper box of novelty socks. Make sure to acknowledge his unique taste and creative side by gifting him with something that honours this side of him.
Opt for quirky gifts that stimulate the mind like a piece of art or the latest must-have gadget.
Cancer: June 23rd- July 23rd
Considered loyal, nurturing and sensitive, this water sign will appreciate any gift that acknowledges their love of home, family and friends.
Opt for something he can display in his place like a framed photograph of his favourite band or a big collage of a trip away with friends.
Capricorn: December 22nd- January 20th
Considered ambitious, determined and intellectual, this earth sign won’t see the point of a generic Christmas present. Acknowledge his interests and pursuits by choosing something specifically related to these hobbies.
Opt for something like lessons in an activity he expressed interest in or add to his collection of records, books or retro games.
Gemini: May 22nd- June 22nd
Considered outgoing, witty and creative, this air sign will have little interest in a coffee table book. Instead play to their outgoing and creative side and choose a gift that reflects these qualities.
Opt for a surprise weekend away or honour a past trip away with mementos, photos and souvenirs in a scrapbook or photo album.
Leo: July 24th- August 23rd
Considered confident, ambitious and generous, this fire sign definitely appreciates the finer things in life and won’t be happy with a gift that looks like it could be for any old person!
Opt for luxurious pampering products or a top of the line winter accessory!
Libra: September 24th- October 23rd
Considered romantic, charming and diplomatic, this air sign is the type of person that would appreciate a very simple, but very stylish gift.
Opt for a leather wallet or classic v neck sweater or alternatively, play to his romantic side and organise an elegant dinner for two in his favourite restaurant.
Pisces: February 20th- March 20th
Considered sensitive, passionate and imaginative, this water sign will appreciate anything that plays to these traits.
Opt for professional photos of their favourite place or alternatively gift him with a camera so he can let his passionate and imaginative side run free!
Sagittarius: November 23rd- Decemeber 21st
Considered adventurous and philosophical, this fire sign will see little point in receiving a gift he can’t do anything with, so acknowledge this in your choice of present.
Opt for lessons in an outdoor sport or organise a camping trip where he can nourish both his adventurous spirit and enjoy quiet time in the great outdoors.
Scorpio: October 24th- November 22nd
Considered mysterious, passionate and loyal, this water sign will appreciate any gift that plays to these qualities.
Opt for a set of classic mystery books or instead go for the latest thriller box set. Why not go one step further and organise a treasure hunt for him to find his gifts?
Taurus: April 21st -May 21st
Considered dependable, patient and practical, this earth sign may not appreciate a trip in a hot air balloon or an adventure weekend.
Opt instead for items that you know he was coveting throughout the year, but didn’t feel he could splurge on like a really stylish messenger bag or leather bound day planner.
Virgo: August 24th – Sept 23rd
Considered reliable, analytical and observant, this earth sign will appreciate practical or functional gifts.
Opt for a stylish watch or a book about a certain culture or country he’s expressed interest in.
Now girls, if you're still stuck after all that, then just go for a Selection Box and hope for the best!